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hahaha..i seem so indifferent nowadays.
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:: Friday, May 19, 2006 ::

strange thing, time.

it weighs most on those who have it least.

things that i have learned to appreciate in life: Milo and all its comforts, the joy of having school holidays, friends.

sometimes, it's hard to verbally explain to people my feelings or thoughts. it's like this bubble, i intentionally put myself into predicaments. same thing with deadlines. tutor A is right. as is the majority of my family. i put too much on my plate and stress when i can't digest it all in one sitting.

not fun, this weather. humid, wet. the heat makes me feel like some kind of dried pickle. constantly lethargic and aggressive towards anyone who so much as knocks into me at the lift.

i have nothing else to say...
:: krys Friday, May 19, 2006 [+] ::

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